Staff Commitments & Engagement
One of Student Life’s goals is to advance its work and practice to support a student-centric campus community. Take a look at how we advanced this goal in 2023–2024.
Advancing reconciliation through learning
Through the Indigenous Learning Sub Committee, the division showed its commitment to understanding the truth of the history and continual oppression of Indigenous peoples, recognizing the role and responsibility of settlers, and taking steps to continue the process of reconciliation.

Artist: MJ SINGLETON. Source: The Varsity Online
Providing expertise and advancing innovation
Student Life continued to provide expertise, knowledge, resources and leadership to the University community through the Academic Advising Training Program. Thanks to the hiring of Vik Chadalawada, Director of Student Life IT Strategy, Innovations and Digital Transformations, the division showed its determination to advance institutional initiatives, priorities, policies and practices.
staff members from all three U of T campuses have participated in Foundations of Advising
staff members have attended a Community of Practice event
Fostering equity and celebrating diversity
Always committed to the practice of equitable and inclusive recruitment, hiring, onboarding, retention, and offboarding practices, the division focused on building and celebrating diversity among staff members. Initiatives such as Advancing Your Career in Student Life: A Session for BIPOC Staff, Best Practices in Inclusive Hiring Work Study, the PM Hiring Guide and the EDIA Committee, helped bring the division closer to its goal this year.

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
non-payroll transactions were completed by the OCAO during the fiscal year