Academic Advising Training Program

The Academic Advising Training Program (AATP) is a tri-campus initiative offering professional development for staff members who provide academic and other types of advising to students. It recognizes that high-quality advising advances the University’s priorities to re-envision student experience, foster a supportive learning community and enhance access to inclusive, culturally appropriate support services.

The AATP promotes a developmental approach to advising through a six-week Foundations of Advising program and Advising Community of Practice events, respectively launched in 2022 and 2023. 150 staff members from all three U of T campuses have participated in Foundations of Advising, and more than 450 have attended a Community of Practice event. The unique cross-divisional approach of the AATP showcases the services and programming of many Student Life departments.

Staff participants have enthusiastic feedback about their experiences in the AATP’s collaborative, learner-centered programs. Every Foundations of Advising survey respondent noted that they learned something from the program that would make them a better advisor, and 98 per cent strongly recommended it for other staff members. One participant called the program “invaluable,” adding,

“I have increased confidence that I can provide advising the ‘right’ way through the knowledge gained from participating in the program.”

Objective: 5.3

Provide expertise, knowledge, resources, and leadership to the university community to advance institutional initiatives, priorities, policies, and practices.

Learn more about this goal and objective in the Student Life Strategic Plan.